Business: What the Doctor Ordered


Musings on business, marketing and management

About me

Thank you for stopping by! This blog is authored by Lydia Henshaw, a Doctoral Candidate at the University of Maryland, University College. The thoughts on this site are an exploration of ideas on management, marketing and business in general.

Every firm, large or small, operates as an open system in an environment. The firm and the environment have reciprocal influence on each other, to varying degrees, depending on the type of firm and type of environment (e.g. commodities or monopolies or oligopolies versus a competitive market).

Therefore, every firm should be concerned with four areas in the operation, to varying degrees:

Management :: the how and who

Strategy :: the why

Market(ing) :: the what

Environment :: the where

Here is a visual of how I see a firm in relation to its operating environment:

With that, here are the expectations you can have of my blog. All of my posts will come from this philosophy of business, and will focus on ways in which businesses can improve in any one of the areas mentioned in this diagram. I welcome your comments and I look forward to a lively discussion!

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